Making Medicare Manageable

Happy senior man and woman on motorcycle

× Home Expertise Work Culture News Contact LET’S TALK Back Wellmark Making Medicare Manageable Audience insights for lead generation. Because the older population is growing at an unprecedented rate, more and more companies are entering the Medicare health insurance market. And it’s overwhelming the audience. So, we helped Wellmark rise above the competitive clutter.  …

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Helping members live life to the fullest

× Home Expertise Work Culture News Contact LET’S TALK Back Wellmark Helping members live life to the fullest Validating brand positioning to ensure relevancy. The Wellmark brand has been built around trust for more than 80 years. But does this brand identity still resonate today? ZLR Ignition did exploratory research, gathering insights to ensure consumers…

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Doing more for members

Woman doing yoga

× Home Expertise Work Culture News Contact LET’S TALK Back Wellmark Doing more for members Brand positioning that resonates. It’s one thing to say you care about your members — it’s another thing to provide services that prove it Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield wanted their members to take advantage of additional programs they…

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