Making Medicare Manageable

Audience insights for lead generation.


Because the older population is growing at an unprecedented rate, more and more companies are entering the Medicare health insurance market. And it’s overwhelming the audience. So, we helped Wellmark rise above the competitive clutter.


ZLR Ignition conducted exploratory and validation research which showed the audience is looking forward to enjoying the adventures of retirement. They look forward to having the time to do what they want and to be on their own clock. What they dread about growing older is wasting their retirement time navigating complex health insurance systems — like Medicare. So, when they do choose a health insurance provider, they want to work with a company they trust will make it easier.

Wellmark Medicare outdoor advertisement

Armed with these in-depth audience insights, ZLR developed a campaign around enjoying the journey of retirement. And we showcased how Wellmark makes this possible by removing the stress and confusion surrounding Medicare.


Due to the complex and diverse media consumption of the Medicare-aged audience, we implemented a multi-media approach. We placed ads and messaging across all mediums, including television/cable, radio, outdoor and multiple digital platforms. This directly connected the audience to the website where they could request a free “Medicare Matters Get-Ready Guide” and shop and compare plans.

Wellmark Medicare IAHU Print Ad
Wellmark Medicare Facebook Ad
Wellmark Medicare Matters Get-Ready Guide
